Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Chicken cabbage noodle soup

It's getting colder in Istanbul and it is really the time to cook warming chicken soups.

For Lithuanian version join me on Facebook.

What we need:

1 chicken breast
1 rosemary branch
some thyme
2 bay leaves
some dill
1 handful of shredded cababge
1 carrot
salt and pepper
3l water
4 cloves of garlic
a handful of noodles

What we have to do:

1. Put chicken into a pot with water. When it starts to boil remove extra fat.
2. Then put garlic, rosemary, thyme, dill and bay leaves. Boil for 20 minutes.
3. Remove the herbs and add carrot, season with salt and pepper.
4. When carrots get soft, remove the chicken breast and add cabbage and noodles. Cook for 8-9 minutes.
5. Cut chicken into small pieces and return to the pot.
6. When the soup is ready add some fresh dill and some spring onion ( optional). Enjoy!!!
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